Friday, 5 December 2014

Stay Connected

Connecting our capacities with our zeal . being influenced by our elders, teachers , friends , and so many others , we try to put in our best for some phases of our lives . the day we unite our working capacity with our self motivated zeal by somebody else we  experience magic in our lives .
The moment when we come in terms with our will and feel upright about our will and feel upright about every single move we take , we experience courage , self esteem and everything  that yields success .

How beautifully we state a verdict on our realities . we are ready to come up with any obstacle on the way , we aren’t jealous by somebody else’s victories rather we stay optimistic about every single act of devotion for the day.Our prospects , our goals, our difficulties, nobody can UNDERSTAND and when I say nobody I mean everything  on this earth other than YOU.A magnetic pull takes place is how I would define the connections of ones aspirations and within zeal , when we know exactly , exactly & accurately without any discrepancies THE VERY VISION OF YOUR LIVES .


Majorly we are the ones who determine how we want it to be. 

So stay awake , stay upright , don’t wait for the wakeup call , keep seeking your call , you never know when you find YOUR CALL !  

God bless you !

Always ,


Friday, 21 November 2014


Today I ponder over those little words whispered in my ears by a little child. She embraced me from back tightly hugging me she said: “didi, mujhe aap bahut pasand ho” which means I really like you . And finally she gave me a gift and said to accept it .

Today is the first day I met her in a church celebration. I hesitated to accept her gift, at first she kept convincing me and finally I did accept it . I was just a volunteer in the event .Lauren this little girl said it was a beautiful day spending time with me.And there it is FEELINGS, I wonder how raw and uninteresting life would be without feelings. Lauren this little girl shone with feelings like a star. We leave a deep impression among our fellow beings in our life the moment we express our feelings , be it strangers be it our near and dear ones .

Laughing out loud, crying and smiling ,shouting let it be any feeling let it come out of your biological system [our bodies]. You leave a mark on your fellow people through this act, and you relieve yourselves of all doubts , complexes and grief . Trust me start trying this exercise, one good vibe today sent it out to someone . And if you are weary express those negative thoughts too , life becomes much easier . Often people lose their relationships not because of misunderstanding but solely because of lack of speaking , talking and finally maintaining a transparency .

 Be glad that you could lay an impact in each other’s lives. Let’s do it.




Tuesday, 28 October 2014

22nd October 2014 , 9:59 pm

Today I visited my dad’s hometown. Under the scorching heat we decided to pamper the thought of having an ice-cream. We headed the nearest ice-cream shop. Uncle James served us three Choco bars . Uncle James my father’s school mate is into this business for a long time now. Daddy introduced him to us as his schoolmate.
My speedy mind started its work , I started thinking if my father were into this business I wouldn’t have been educated in a megacity , wouldn’t have had exposure to a life outside Kerala , wouldn’t have been able to understand the cultural diversity and wouldn’t have  had a chance to visit various states in India including Assam, Gujarat , Mumbai .

A CHANCE was granted to Agnes in her life through her dad’s occupation to be exceptionally brought up in an extraordinary standard of living.
Thanks to CHANCES.  In our case we are talking about lifetime chances. my father made it to find a job outside Kerala , his friend rather couldn’t or say I am glad I wasn’t his daughter . {If asked now}

All that we are, all that we want to be the supreme above is in control and role. I am so grateful to the almighty, through this chance gifted to my father, in so many ways compared to Uncle James’ lifestyle I count myself blessed.
I don’t want to marginalize anyone, I don’t want to discriminate anyone, I just want to state the CHOSEN ones.
Uncle James is leading a contented life , we are glad having heard that. My interaction with him is a reminder that I am so blessed, so this article is in remembrance of this reminder daddy [our eternal almighty]!
Thank you once again! 

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Unexpected Beginnings of Yesterday

Nick ranted red fm 93.5  BAJATE RAHO ! when i asked him how much did he score in 3rd grade  examinations as i was a newcomer in the school and he was the topper of our class . The then misfortune was being asked by the teacher to be seated along with him . I  disliked him completely as a student of 3rd -B if i would be asked the reasons he was wrong in many ways as a child i found his acts annoying . So that is nick the intolerable guy who today is not the then Nick anymore .  I wrote a sarcastic poem on  him in my tenth grade , we never agreed on anything but the school days ending year 2010-11 , and most nostalgic 10th -c made us bid goodbye  on a positive note .  Reminiscing the school class photographs i came across his photo too , it is then i thought of contacting him . I contacted him ,  exchanged a few contradictory conversations as usual but greeted after a length of so many years so it felt good. There was a change in him , he had a different feel towards life and people. I  and my yet another close friend Norah felt the same . Norah and i were extremely close buddies during school days , and  yes we still are ! we hated him equally during school days , but yes now things have changed now we have healthy and sound conversations. I apparently had started my new blog on Norah's b'day and i shared this happy news with all my near and dear ones . It was this special moment when i received a call from this intolerable Nick who overwhelmed me with his response on my new blog . That day's talk really boosted me in high spirits to write more and more and not stagnate at all .  And to keep up the creativity and keep moving in my directions ! actively  motivating me and making me realize that the blog is a good start . Today Norah , Nick and i are in talking terms completely  . We have even more good times  and talks to come i believe . 

Stella , a girl who is not at all deprived of voice . I met her in my school grade 4th . First impression : why doesn't she talk ?
as years passed we were shifted in different classes , finally in 9th grade she was in my class or say i was in her class . Same bench allotted by the teacher ,so no escape she has to talk to me now .  I was determined to make her my friend and she was not thinking anything neither to make or not make friendship . I  had this wish although , everyday i would talk to her , sometimes we had projects to be discussed , sometimes we had endless doubts about each other  which we shared only with our facial expressions , sometimes i would sing and she would patiently listen me singing . Getting a personal smartphone in the 9th grade could spoil our study life[AS OUR PARENTS SAY ] so we managed with 'DABBA' phones basically which only had the facilties of SMS , a phone call and some basic requirements . we bonded over each other time . But in reality we were just bearing each other . My parents were planning to shift me in a different school , this bothered her . We had gtalk conversations as we both explored the internet at the same time always COINCIDENTALLY.  So now it was participation from both sides not me alone but she started giving me TIME and her MIND . We were having a heated discussion on how we misunderstand each other one particular day and she ended with this line: AGNES YOU THINK I AM HARDHEARTED ? and she paused  and expressed herself as sobbing . I was not worried that day at all , because that day i came to know that she started valuing  my words. Maybe a little earlier but i CAME TO KNOW THEN !
MUSIC : one thing that was common among us , as  it is rightly said art has no language , music is also an art which made us express each other to a greater extent making both of us familiar to each other . Bringing us closer and then we had birthdays celebrated together, all feelings one would share as close friends to cut a long story short . WE MADE FRIENDSHIP AND THAT MADE US . It defines us at the same time a poem i wrote about her . I left the school in 10th grade , she didn't . I left the city i previously lived in  but she didn't, but the MIRACLE is i found a wish fulfilled of making her my friend and at the same time we have become unexpectedly the closest pals now . SURELY FEW +RELATION +IN+ EARTH +NEVER +DIE =FRIENDS ! 

I never expected  in my life that i would be able to contact nick , but one phone number made me give it a chance , and i never expected i would be so deeply connected to stella but today i say her : "our souls are connected " . i was sure of a friendship but not with an endurance for a lifetime to come . thanks to EXPERIENCES of my life , or if i say unexpected experiences !
these two people replaced my shallow thoughts regarding them with BLESSINGS, today i am glad i have them  CHEERS! GUDDAY!  

The reason why i have made you read the story of two crazy heads  IN MY LIFE is  to let u know , i had let out the unexpected to happen . Bluntly saying we always like the expected to happen , the expectations to rise and be fulfilled , but the unexpected also stays as a surprise and  amazes us. don't always allow your life to be tamed by the mazes of EXPECTATIONS . Allow the UNEXPECTED to enter your life and see how you discover the miracles and richness of your life . 


Monday, 15 September 2014


Every person is born with a free will gifted by the almighty . The moment we are born , we give birth to a companion along ... DESIRES . Today we all come from various walks of life  some of us are excellent cooks , some voracious readers , some efficient leaders , some doctors , some students , and some still searching and exploring the thirst for the quest of his or her dreams . In every person mentioned above stays one thing in common , every individual at the end of the day seeks satisfaction . 
Unfortunately the world today is filled with contempt , unhealthy competition ,and yes an unending list . We can count on one thing  in midst  of all this :US.  

We start determining our lives with a happiness  statement or say we set standards for happiness , not all but yes some of us do . Be it a cosmetic brand , a promotion in job  , a friend circle, talent . We are all behind various desires that could keep us entangled within them . What we leave behind is the PRESENT . All these desires drift us apart from the very present today . Allowing ourselves to burn with these endless desires is nothing but VANITY . Today  could bring a lot when we take time to observe and accept rather than expecting . 

Holding  a belief over our desires is necessary but not that it enslaves us in such a way that we aren't able to see the many desires that stay fulfilled throughout the day to keep us blissful.Today you wouldn't have been able to finish your work by deadline but maybe you learnt a lot in the process  including how to keep up time and how you would excel  next time by doing so  ,you mightn't have been able to perform the best in your college fest but maybe you learnt how to perform in front of the crowd , today you mightn't have been able to find a friend but maybe these friends are thinking the same about you so go ahead and speak up . 

Today i am happy as i woke up , i helped strangers find their way to a new street in the city , i am happy because i sang a song loud  even though i am a poor singer , i am happy because my elder sister gave me a hug , i am happy because i still dream to get a revlon product when i can just afford the cheap ones , i am happy because i made somebody smile today ,  i am happy because i really slept well ,i am happy because there is no reason to be unhappy .....ADD YOUR OWN I AM HAPPY LISTS EVERYDAY IN YOUR MIND 

Situations  aren't under our control at times , lets not allow the cycle of desires get us enslaved . Rather let the FIGHT be replaced with a " L" added ...FLIGHT ! 
A flight to a blissful life where everyday i am satisfied , i do something to make myself happy in spite of a tedious schedule . And i am not torn apart just rescheduling and working like a swot . 

I really love finding this phase of day ... bliss , we all do so lets smile over every day when we rise and close our eyelids . Breathe in and out the satisfaction we are extracting from life . Because i keep saying to myself .... BLISS OF LIFE FIND ME SOON ! 

Thank you for reading ,
Always ,

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A Dear Diary Moment ...

 Every  morning  there is this blue sky above us, every morning there are people around us getting into their mundane activities . There is this hustle and bustle every day around the  busiest streets of a city or town and crowd that never  makes us feel space around.

I travel back home by a city transport system . On my way back I don’t find myself fortunate enough in  confronting picturesque locations as they say in the tale of novels  describing london’s  street beauty and much more  , but there is this one thing that remains on my way back .

 I haven’t found any close companions in  my college life as of now  but  as i said there is this one thing that remains . She lays herself  on that window corner  of our bus . Everyday on that same seat I find her . She also shares many things common with me , no companion around her, too close to talk for long . Sharing her space with the wind making her hair move in various directions doesn’t  stop her from looking outside , various people getting by her seat and occupying them wouldn't stop her from looking outside . She is composed with her  communication to the world outside the atmosphere of   the bus. 

I  gaze her everyday when I travel by bus . No matter that I may be having no one around in friends as we term them but this girl makes me feel that I am not a solitary traveler in this journey of finding one . Maybe I am wrong at judging her . Maybe she must be having many friends too. But when I look her I find I could connect with her   .

At times  we should understand that this world around is not always a bad teacher , at times it  gives us experiences wherein we give our test first and learn later .So when we move on with life we should give in to situations at times . We should understand that “it was destined otherwise it wouldn't have come to pass” . This solitude feeling in this world comes in to every person on this earth at some phases of their lives . 

All we got to understand is we will get through it if we could relate ourselves to others . If one could relate to the lives of around them then we could understand that our problems are not alone there is a lot to be sort around too. I  am not the only troubled heart but another umpteen too . 

Relate your lives and relax . 



Wednesday, 3 September 2014


The most appalling stages of life are actually covered with a very small hidden truth . we   very often surround ourselves with an aura of  pessimism which prevents us at looking at this hidden truth . A truth which we are brought up with , a truth which has made us whatever we are . Being a defensive creature by all means we  find it difficult to place an importance for this truth in our lives during these appalling moments .SELF RESPECT .

 We are all facing challenges in some form or the other through people , circumstances , our very own dear ones in some unfortunate cases . But , this is where we make the mistake we give up in protecting ourselves . we give up the greatest shield of ours -self respect . When we start demeaning ourselves then there is only despair.  Life's journey begins at the age of 1 . nobody is aware when is one going to die . But it's better  not to do that every moment of your life. 

Every moment one needs to pat oneself for a good deed done , for a new beginning, for overcoming failures , for LIFE ITSELF . self respect comes when one starts to believe in one's efforts , one's right upbringing . It all begins with SELF though . 

Let not life  run farther away until we realize this . respect for who you are today . Stay confident . Brighten yourself with your self respect . Let the vibe grow stronger . Let it flow all through your life .



Tuesday, 2 September 2014


A tender part of us resides . Unknown to the world , difficult to be reached . Nobody knows it except us and this tender being . Today we  want to live a life that defines us independent , strong , bold, empowered , secure and safe . 

And there is a rush to achieve all that we can until we are able to control this tender part of us safely within us ,without being known to the world . Today we don't want to be hurt , scared , anxious yet only be high spirits , the more the better . Actually ALWAYS . 
we tag them , name them , kiss them , hug them yet we know there is part of us which nobody is aware of , a part which is only between me and me . One could express their tender beings present within them but they are scared , scared of the world today , scared of the people today . The people who could strike you down with their words , their deeds and they themselves . As we all know we can't read minds . But here is the beginning ...  TRUST . 

As a matter of fact we all know that trust is the foundation of all relationships , but the grim reality is today most of the  people don't want to trust and don't want to be trustworthy . Let that not be the case . 

Being trustworthy is  being humane. Take chances to know people , get close a form a bond of trust . But don't convert your trustworthiness into hatred for someone else's mistakes . Let not the world around snap your goodness to the society . Let not your trust stay undelivered to people who would need it , people who would care for it . Just because it didn't work out once doesn't conclude it  as BEING MISUNDERSTOOD  { TRUST }  forever . 

Develop an attitude of trust and LIVE to be trustworthy ,