Something worth spent. Well the feeling, when you get exactly what
you need in an affordable range when you want to buy something ,the feeling
after a busy day by catching
up with your old friend. The feeling of getting up early morning and realizing
you are going to finish that long awaited task finally .Well this feeling of FULFILMENT I realized yesterday on 8th of August. We had this youth fest
organized for our parish youth and I obviously was a part of it .
On a routine basis I have this
fad of expressing something to you through reflection, stories , examples , but today I would love to present about this
youth fest; which is more like a personal journal entry I agree .
Having I would use the word
'slaughtered' by the harsh and temporal nature of time , people and life
yesterday's youth fest worked out like an energy drink .While hope prevails and
God’s love shines forever we are here to
experience life in bliss. Singing the action songs which we sang as kids , letting
out frustrations as time paced while we
felt sleepy, yet in those dizzy hours believing that something really good will
come out of this. Oh ! Those moments - Priceless .
When the priests came over the altar and showered us
with knowledge divine , it felt really
good . How can I forget the game sessions , letting the child come out of us , I
am sure all of the parish youth thoroughly relished it . And then catching our
breathe as we danced unendingly to the beat of ChartBusters.
Holding hands together
and praying , eating the dinner at 9:45 pm with three Girlfriends beside
and chatting about the most important things for us ! 'Our life '.
Going crazy and even more dizzy
as our watches displayed 3 a.m. but
still waiting and as expected it was worth the wait
as we had a great time listening to something about us in the next talk . Adoration
before the Blessed Sacrament : the most ethereal moment of my
life it would have been having prayed early morning kneeling down just before the
Blessed Sacrament { not in my home but
in the church. }
And the sporadic breaks for
energizing us and to keep us awake through out these holy hours , the MASALA
TEA ! Splendid and indeed a pleasure it was .
I don't feel left behind , I
don't feel empty or morose as the heavy shadows of life appear in disturbance
because such pleasures are still alive in my life .We all do have SUCH MOMENTS , we
just need to profoundly seek them and take time for making them count in our
life .Deepa , Jewel ,Steffi who were a great company added to the beauty of my
Hi Agnes,
ReplyDeletehave started reading your blogs as discussed in journey.
keep doing good work of blog writing.
Okay so that's your goodname ! ☺ its a joy to see you commenting on my blog. We had a happening discussion during the journey about life . stay tuned ! Through the blog. ☺